Financial Highlights

1H2017 1H2016 Change
Total Assets (RMB Million) 18125.8 17082.7 6.1%
Total Liabilities (RMB Million) 10288 9603.6 7.1%
Net Assets (RMB Million) 7837.8 7479.1 4.8%
Net Fee and Interest Income (RMB Million) 637.7 790.8 -19.4%
- Net Guarantee and Consulting Fee Income (RMB Million) 261.5 438.5 -40.4%
- Net Interest and Handling Fee Income (RMB Million) 376.2 352.3 6.8%
Net Profit (RMB Million) 144.4 141.5 2%
Earnings per Share (RMB Yuan) 0.03 0.03 -
Credit Guarantee Business Default Rate (%) 1.6% 1.8% -0.2%
Credit Guarantee Business Provision Rate (%) 1% 1.1% -0.1%
Credit Guarantee Business Recovery Rate (%) 24.8% 53.8% -29%
  1H2017 1H2016 Change